Monday, November 4, 2013

Review of Public Parts by Jeff Jarvis

Also reviewed on Goodreads.

Public Parts by Jeff Jarvis is a really easy, yet interesting read. Jarvis uses personal and cultural examples to illustrate the importance of public sharing, and also highlights the challenges in separating public and private life. Jarvis's arguments in regards to businesses being more open in sharing ideas and interacting with their customers is especially strong. While I personally do not agree with publicness online to the extent that Jarvis does, I found that his logic for the most part made a whole lot of sense!

Jarvis really does make this an entertaining and easy read. He discusses the history of publicness and highlights the benefits of being public online. He addresses the concept and definition of privacy, and how that relates to the business world. Towards the end of his book he discusses the need to protect publicness and in a sense calls for support in this cause.

I think one of the strong arguments Jarvis makes is our need to make connections online. He writes, "The people we want to meet are a connection away.” While I have reservations about needing to be completely public online with our personal lives, his argument for the needs companies have to make connections online made sense. The online presence a company has now has a large affect on it's brand, and is something companies need to acknowledge. 

Whether or not you agree with the argument Jarvis makes, it is good to be aware of it. The digital age truly is changing the way we live our lives, and we need to be aware and informed on the issue of privacy. The digital world has expanded to the point where it can no longer be ignored.

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