Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Reflective Blog Post

There is a lot of negative attributes that are associated with the use of media in the world today.  You can hardly go a day without reading online or hearing reports about some study that reports on the way people are using digital culture tools and the negativity that are often associated with them.  Though it is true that there are certain aspects of digital culture that can be harmful when used improperly, because of this for me personally I have always been a little apprehensive when it came to technology and being a part of the online community.  This digital culture class this semester has provided me the opportunity to not only learn more about how to properly use technology in a proper way, but to also use it in a way that would be beneficial.

For me the hardest part about this class was the blogging.  Being the introvert that I am, putting your ideas online in the form of a blog for everyone to read and perhaps even criticize was a process that definitely took me out of my comfort zone this semester.  Having said that, blogging has also given me the opportunity to learn about one aspect of the benefits of the digital tools that are available to us through the creation and use of technology.

Though I am unsure that I will continue to blog after this class, the blogging experience that I have done throughout the semester has broadened my view of the benefits of individuals sharing their ideas online.

The project Brittany completed this semester about the Do It Yourself movement really provided me the opportunity to hear and see both personal individual benefits that can come from sharing your ideas online, as well as the benefits that can come from different digital tools. 

I have learned many lessons from taking this class one of which happened when I, without thinking, commented quite negatively on one of Greg’s post about video games and ended up getting reprimanded by some random video gamer on Google plus who apparently did not like my comment.  And though I still do not get or agree  video gamer guy I think it is interesting that he would take the time away from his video games to comment on some random post, which reflects the way in which digital culture has changed and provided us various ways to voice our opinions and share our thoughts.

So I think that for me the big takeaway from this class this semester centered on the benefits that can come from using digital tools when they are used in the proper way.


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